Adam and I are now officially moved in to our new home! We closed on March 9th. We are really enjoying the new place, minus the fact that we don't have a yard, and we are always having to let Heidi out to do her business. How were we supposed to know she pees in the middle of the night?! Oh well. Other than that, we're really enjoying our cozy little place that is actually OURS. Hooray!
Adam has been busy training hard for the Mickelson Trail Marathon that he will be running in June. He ran 12 miles yesterday. I think I could run 2 miles (maybe) if someone was chasing me. Possibly 3 if I thought they were going to kill me. He won a 5k race that the base had last week. He's so competitive and athletic. I'm glad our kids will have influences from multiple angles - sports (Adam) and theater/music (me).
Other than that, everything is going well! I'll be sure to post pictures of our new place once everything is completely set up. Which reminds me - we finally bought a bedroom set! Goodbye clear, plastic 3-drawer underwear/sock holder and cardboard box nightstands! WOO HOO!