Sunday, April 6, 2008

Our New Addition

Well, we finally did it. We got a puppy. HA! You thought I was pregnant, didn't you?! I fooled you all! mua ha ha. Anyway, her name is Heidi, and she's a 9 week old yorkshire terrier (terror). She may seem cute, but don't let her looks deceive you. Okay, she really is cute...except for when she pees, poops, and bites. We're working on all of that though. She's such a fun addition to our little family of two. Plus, she'll keep me company when Adam leaves for 1 and 1/2 months next Friday. : ( Adam got her as a birthday present of sorts for me. (I say "of sorts" so I'm not stuck cleaning up all the poo myself - It's not MY dog's's OUR dog's poo...). I just realized I've said poo or poop like 7-8 times in my entire blog. What is it with my life and poop! (8-9). So yes, I'm now 23, and we happened to get a puppy around that time. haha. It's fun to watch her explore new things every day, especially outside. She loves it outdoors until another dog barks in her direction. In that case, she's OUTTA THERE! Enjoy the pics and videos!