Wednesday, October 14, 2009

The Devil's Bathtub

Adam and I decided a few weeks ago to take advantage of the nice weather before it withered away (which it did...a few days later). We headed up to Spearfish Canyon, about an hour from Rapid City, to do a hike that we had heard was really beautiful. Driving through Spearfish Canyon to see the fall leaves is gorgeous in itself, but I'm always up for a fun hike. The trail follows a creek that leads up to a pool of water known as the Devil's Bathtub.

We had to cross the creek numerous times to follow the trail. It was so fun to watch Heidi jump through the water and find her own paths to cross it.
I was impressed with myself for crossing the log. I was like "Look at me! I'm 27 weeks pregnant, and I can still balance! Woot woot!" We even came across a pregnant tree! Heidi obviously thought it was a danger to us all and refused to walk by it. She chose to bark at it from a distance instead.

Since the creek flowed downhill, the trail was full of gorgeous little waterfalls.

Adam took some time out to search for gold in them thar hills:

Here is a picture of the actual Devil's Bathtub. (I keep typing bathrub instead of bathtub...I think I'm in need of a bubble bath/massage...hmm).

Another family that was at the "tub" told us that kids used to slide down the little nature waterslide into the bathtub back in the day. The forest rangers had to place a large rock at the bottom of the slide to keep it from happening...which is too bad, because I was planning on going head first on my belly... :

It was a really fun hike that we would both recommend to anyone in the area. The creek crossings are probably too dangerous for young kids, but you're welcome to try it out! We ended the hike with a sopping wet and happy dog:

Goodbye beautiful fall weather! You were fun for the month that you lasted!


Lani said...

What a fun hiking trip! The kids and I did one like that in Washington with the natural rock slides. Cute baby bump too!

Mary said...

This looks like a hike we will have to go on. We love to take hikes with the kids and Spearfish Canyon is one of our favorite places.