Thursday, March 27, 2008

Welcome to South Dakota!

Well, we're finally all moved in and settled here in Rapid City. I guess I should catch you up on how we made it here before I go into our adventures in SD. We left two weeks ago after many tears and goodbyes. We planned our trip so that we would spend our nights at Air Force bases along the way. Our first stop was Biloxi, MS, where we each lost $2 at the Hard Rock casino...we're not THAT naughty, are we? Next we drove up to Little Rock, AR. Surprisingly, Arkansas was probably my favorite state to drive through. It was so hilly and pretty. Next we drove up to Whiteman AFB in Missouri. That place was in the middle of nowhere!!! We found a good Chinese buffet there though. Yum. Next we drove up through Iowa and into Omaha, NE for some R & R. We stopped at the Winter Quarters Temple and did a session there. It was really pretty inside and out.

We finally crossed into South Dakota.

To my horror, it smelled like horse poop all over the east half of the state. I'm not exaggerating - As soon as we crossed into SD, it smelled.

Thankfully, it doesn't smell where we are. Maybe we just got used to it. Eww. Someone come visit me and tell me if it smells. For real...I'm lonely. haha. We finally made it to Rapid City though! The town's pretty cool. It's small, but cozy.

We live about 30 minutes from Mt. Rushmore too. We decided to drive out there to check it out. It is pretty awesome. I was impressed. I was afraid we'd get there and find out that Mt. Rushmore is actually 5 feet wide or something. I wasn't disappointed though! It's huge, just like I hoped. After we admired and defaced the presidents, we decided it was time to head out.

We finally decided on a place to live. We're living in base housing, but it's actually about 20 minutes from Ellsworth AFB. It's pretty exciting because we have an actual house. Goodbye apartment living! It's a 3 bedroom, 2 bath little house that we can hardly fill up. I guess we'll just have to have a baby or something to take up more space ; ). And no, that was not an announcement of any kind. Well, that's our last 2 weeks in about 5 minutes! Enjoy!


Kari and Joel said...

Glad to see you made it and are all settled! That's pretty cool that you live so close to Mt. Rushmore, we'd like to see it someday. Maybe if we end up there at some point.

Christina and Ryan said...

I'm pretty sure that you just got used to the poop smell..however, if we get the chance I will come and check it out for myself :)

Jake & Rachel said...

Base housing is pretty nice there! I can't believe how un-vegetated it is though, haha. Jake's brother actually served his mission in SD. Hope you guys are enjoying it so far! Good luck finding a job!